Excel Formula Reference: Balance Sheet

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All these formulas require both a stock ticker and reporting year, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.AnnualCurrentLiabilities("GOOG",2018)

Yahoo Finance generally provides the past 4 years of reported data.

Click on a category below to view the formulas:

Balance Sheet: Assets

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas Balance Sheet Assets

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualTotalAssets Total assets.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualCurrentAssets Current assets.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualAssetsTotalCash Assets: Total Cash, Cash
Equivalents & Short Term Investments.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualAccountsReceivable Accounts Receivable.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualInventory Inventory.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualTotalNonCurrentAssets Total non-current assets.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualNetPropertyPlantEquipment Net Property, Plant &
Equipment (PPE).
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualGoodwillAndOtherIntangibleAssets Goodwill & Other
Intangible Assets.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualGoodwill Goodwill.

Balance Sheet: Liabilities

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas Balance Sheet Liabilities

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualTotalLiabilities Total liabilities.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualCurrentLiabilities Total current liabilities.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualAccountsPayable Accounts Payable.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualTotalNonCurrentLiabilities Total non-current liabilities.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualLongTermDebt Long Term Debt.

Balance Sheet: Other

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas Balance Sheet Other

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualStockholdersEquity Common Stock Equity.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualCapitalLeaseObligations Capital Lease Obligations.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualWorkingCapital Working Capital.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualInvestedCapital Invested Capital.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualTangibleBookValue Tangible Book Value.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualTotalDebt Total Debt.
EPF.Yahoo.AnnualNetDebt Net Debt.