Excel Formula Reference: Stock Analysis

Excel Price Feed provides Excel formulas for analyst estimates include earnings, revenue, EPS trend/revisions plus growth estimates.

  • All these formulas require both a stock ticker and period, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.EPS.Estimate.Average.Quarter("AAPL",0)
  • To specify the current quarter/year use 0 for the second pararmeter; to specify the next quarter/year use 1 etc.

Some of the formulas reference a quarter whilst other reference a year. To find out which date the formula refers to you can use the following formulas:

=EPF.Yahoo.Estimate.Date.Quarter(ticker, period) =EPF.Yahoo.Estimate.Date.Annual(ticker, period)

Our sample Yahoo Finance formulas spreadsheet provides examples of using these formulas on the "Analysis" tab.

Earnings Estimate

Yahoo Finance Earnings Estimate

All of these formulas require a stock ticker and period, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.Earnings.Estimate.Average.Annual("AMZN",0) provides the current year average earnings estimate for Amazon stock.

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.Earnings.Estimate.NoAnalysts.Quarter Number of Analysts providing
Quarterly Earnings Estimates.
EPF.Yahoo.Earnings.Estimate.NoAnalysts.Annual Number of Analysts providing
Annual Earnings Estimates.
EPF.Yahoo.Earnings.Estimate.Average.Quarter Quarterly Average Earnings
EPF.Yahoo.Earnings.Estimate.Average.Annual Annual Average Earnings
EPF.Yahoo.Earnings.Estimate.Low.Quarter Quarterly Low Earnings
EPF.Yahoo.Earnings.Estimate.Low.Annual Annual Low Earnings
EPF.Yahoo.Earnings.Estimate.High.Quarter Quarterly High Earnings Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.Earnings.Estimate.High.Annual Annual High Earnings Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.Earnings.Estimate.YearAgoEPS.Quarter Quarterly Year Ago EPS.
EPF.Yahoo.Earnings.Estimate.YearAgoEPS.Annual Annual Year Ago EPS.

Revenue Estimate

Yahoo Finance Revenue Estimates

All of these formulas require a stock ticker and period, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.Revenue.Estimate.Average.Annual("TSLA",1) provides next years average revenue estimate for Tesla stock.

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.Revenue.Estimate.NoAnalysts.Quarter Number of Analysts providing
Quarterly Revenue Estimates.
EPF.Yahoo.Revenue.Estimate.NoAnalysts.Annual Number of Analysts providing
Annual Revenue Estimates.
EPF.Yahoo.Revenue.Estimate.Average.Quarter Quarterly
Average Revenue Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.Revenue.Estimate.Average.Annual Annual
Average Revenue Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.Revenue.Estimate.Low.Quarter Quarterly
Low Revenue Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.Revenue.Estimate.Low.Annual Annual
Low Revenue Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.Revenue.Estimate.High.Quarter Quarterly
High Revenue Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.Revenue.Estimate.High.Annual Annual
High Revenue Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.Revenue.Estimate.YearAgoSales.Quarter Quarterly
Year Ago Sales Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.Revenue.Estimate.YearAgoSales.Annual Annual
Year Ago Sales Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.Revenue.Estimate.SalesGrowth.Quarter Quarterly
Sales Growth Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.Revenue.Estimate.SalesGrowth.Annual Annual
Sales Growth Estimate.

Earnings History

Yahoo Finance Analysis Earnings History

All of these formulas require a stock ticker and period, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.EPS.History.Surprise.Quarter("AAPL",0) provides the most recent quarter earnings surprise % for Apple stock.

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.History.Date.Quarter Quarter date
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.History.Estimate.Quarter EPS estimate for the quarter
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.History.Actual.Quarter EPS actual for the quarter
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.History.Difference.Quarter EPS difference between estimate
and actual for the quarter
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.History.Surprise.Quarter EPS surprise % for the quarter

EPS Trend

Yahoo Finance EPS Trend

All of these formulas require a stock ticker and period, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.EPSTrend.Current.Annual("MSFT",1) provides the current next year EPS Trend Estimate for Microsoft stock.

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.EPSTrend.Current.Quarter Current Quarterly EPS Trend Estimate
EPF.Yahoo.EPSTrend.Current.Annual Current Annual EPS Trend Estimate
EPF.Yahoo.EPSTrend.7DaysAgo.Quarter 7 Days Ago Quarterly EPS Trend Estimate
EPF.Yahoo.EPSTrend.7DaysAgo.Annual 7 Days Ago Annual EPS Trend Estimate
EPF.Yahoo.EPSTrend.30DaysAgo.Quarter 30 Days Ago Quarterly EPS Trend Estimate
EPF.Yahoo.EPSTrend.30DaysAgo.Annual 30 Days Ago Annual EPS Trend Estimate
EPF.Yahoo.EPSTrend.60DaysAgo.Quarter 60 Days Ago Quarterly EPS Trend Estimate
EPF.Yahoo.EPSTrend.60DaysAgo.Annual 60 Days Ago Annual EPS Trend Estimate
EPF.Yahoo.EPSTrend.90DaysAgo.Quarter 90 Days Ago Quarterly EPS Trend Estimate
EPF.Yahoo.EPSTrend.90DaysAgo.Annual 90 Days Ago Annual EPS Trend Estimate

EPS Revisions

Yahoo Finance EPS Revisions

All of these formulas require a stock ticker and period, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.EPS.Estimate.Average.Annual("AAPL",1) provides the average EPS estimate for the next year for Apple stock.

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.Estimate.Average.Quarter Quarterly EPS Average Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.Estimate.Average.Annual Annual EPS Average Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.Revisions.UpLast7Days.Quarter Number of Quarterly EPS Revisions
Up in the last 7 days.
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.Revisions.UpLast7Days.Annual Number of Annual EPS Revisions
Up in the last 7 days.
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.Revisions.UpLast30Days.Quarter Number of Quarterly EPS Revisions
Up in the last 30 days.
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.Revisions.UpLast30Days.Annual Number of Annual EPS Revisions
Up in the last 30 days.
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.Revisions.DownLast7Days.Quarter Number of Quarterly EPS Revisions
Down in the last 7 days.
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.Revisions.DownLast7Days.Annual Number of Annual EPS Revisions
Down in the last 7 days.
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.Revisions.DownLast30Days.Quarter Number of Quarterly EPS Revisions
Down in the last 30 days.
EPF.Yahoo.EPS.Revisions.DownLast30Days.Annual Number of Annual EPS Revisions
Down in the last 30 days.

Growth Estimates

Yahoo Finance Growth Estimates

All of these formulas require a stock ticker and period, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.Growth.Estimate.Annual("AAPL",0) provides the current annual growth estimate for Apple stock.

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.Growth.Estimate.Quarter Quarterly Growth Estimate.
EPF.Yahoo.Growth.Estimate.Annual Annual Growth Estimate.