Excel Formula Reference: Stocks

Excel Price Feed Yahoo Finance Formulas Example Spreadsheet Download
Click the Excel icon to download a sample spreadsheet with all Excel Price Feed Yahoo Finance stock formulas.

Excel Price Feed provides market data for a large range of stocks across many different countries and exchanges. The Excel formulas are very easy to use, they operate exactly the same as standard Excel formulas and usually require just a stock ticker.

Click on a category below to view the different Excel formulas which Excel Price Feed provides:

Live Price

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas Stock Live Price

Yahoo Finance provides data from many different exchanges, some are real-time (such as the NYSE and NASDAQ) whilst others are delayed. For full details of coverage refer to Exchanges and data providers on Yahoo Finance on the Yahoo Finance website.

All of these formulas require just a stock ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.Price("AAPL")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.Price Current mid price.
EPF.Yahoo.DayChange Change in price today.
EPF.Yahoo.DayChangePercent Percentage change in price today.
EPF.Yahoo.RegularMarketTime Regular market time/date (UTC).
This effectively the time of last trade in the regular market.
It can be used to tell if the market is currently open or not.

Pre-market Price

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas Pre-market Price

These formulas are only valid during the pre-market trading session. Use the EPF.Yahoo.MarketState formula to query the current market start (Pre, Regular, etc).

Please note: there is an article on our blog which discusses pre-market prices.

All of these formulas require just a stock ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.PreMarketPrice("AAPL")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.PreMarketTime Current pre-market time (UTC). Empty if the pre market session is not open.
EPF.Yahoo.PreMarketPrice Current pre-market price.
EPF.Yahoo.PreMarketChange Change in pre-market price during the current session.
EPF.Yahoo.PreMarketChangePercent Percent change in pre-market price during the current session.

Post-market/After hours Price

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas Post-market/after hours Price

These formulas are only valid during the post-market/after hours trading session. Use the EPF.Yahoo.MarketState formula to query the current market start (Pre, Regular, etc).

All of these formulas require just a stock ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.PostMarketPrice("XOM")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.PostMarketTime Current post-market time (UTC). Empty if the post market session is not open.
EPF.Yahoo.PostMarketPrice Current post-market price.
EPF.Yahoo.PostMarketChange Change in post-market price during the current session.
EPF.Yahoo.PostMarketChangePercent Percent change in post-market price during the current session.


Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas Stock Summary

All of these formulas require just a stock ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.PrevClose("AAPL")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.PrevClose Previous market close price.
EPF.Yahoo.MarketOpen Market open price.
EPF.Yahoo.Bid Current bid price.
EPF.Yahoo.BidSize Current bid size.
EPF.Yahoo.Ask Current ask price.
EPF.Yahoo.AskSize Current ask size.
EPF.Yahoo.DayLow Day low.
EPF.Yahoo.DayHigh Day high.
EPF.Yahoo.52WeekLow 52 week low.
EPF.Yahoo.52WeekHigh 52 week high.
EPF.Yahoo.52WeekChange 52 Week Change in price (%).
EPF.Yahoo.DayVolume Volume of shares traded today.
EPF.Yahoo.AverageDailyVolume10Day Average daily volume over past 10 trading days.
EPF.Yahoo.AverageDailyVolume3Month Average daily volume over past 3 months.
EPF.Yahoo.MarketCap Current market capitalisation.
EPF.Yahoo.Beta Beta.
EPF.Yahoo.PERatio PE Ratio TTM (Trailing Twelve Months).
EPF.Yahoo.EPS EPS TTM (Trailing Twelve Months).
EPF.Yahoo.ForwardAnnualDividendYield Forward annual dividend yield.
EPF.Yahoo.ForwardAnnualDividendRate Forward annual dividend rate.
EPF.Yahoo.ExDividendDate Ex Dividend Date.
EPF.Yahoo.TargetMeanPrice 1Y Target Estimate (Analyst Target Mean Price).

Next Earnings Announcement Date

All of these formulas require just a stock ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.NextEarningsDate("BMW.DE")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.NextEarningsDate The next date that earnings will be announced
Note: if the exact earnings date has not been announced yet then this value will be empty.
EPF.Yahoo.NextEarningsDateEstimate The estimated date period that earnings will be announced
Note: if the exact earnings date has been announced then this value will be empty.
EPF.Yahoo.NextEarningsDateEstimateStart The estimated start date of the period that earnings will be announced
Note: if the exact earnings date has not been announced yet then this value will be empty.
EPF.Yahoo.NextEarningsDateEstimateEnd The estimated end date of the period that earnings will be announced
Note: if the exact earnings date has not been announced yet then this value will be empty.

Analyst Recommendation

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas Analyst Recommendation

All these formulas require just a stock ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.AnalystRecommendation("AAPL")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.AnalystRecommendation Analyst Recommendation:
strong buy, buy, hold, under-perform, sell
EPF.Yahoo.AnalystRecommendation.Rating Analyst Recommendation Rating:
A number from 1 to 5.
Ranges from 1 "strong buy" to 5 "sell".

Analyst Price Targets

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas Analyst Price Targets

All these formulas require just a stock ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.TargetMeanPrice("MSFT")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.TargetHighPrice Analyst Target 1Y High Price.
EPF.Yahoo.TargetLowPrice Analyst Target 1Y Low Price.
EPF.Yahoo.TargetMeanPrice Analyst Target 1Y Mean Price.
EPF.Yahoo.TargetMedianPrice Analyst Target 1Y Median Price.

Company Profile

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas Stock Company Profile

All these formulas require just a stock ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.Industry("META")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.Name Company name.
EPF.Yahoo.City City (the city where the HQ or registered office
is located).
EPF.Yahoo.Country Country (the country where the HQ or registered office
is located).
EPF.Yahoo.Sector Sector name.
EPF.Yahoo.Industry Industry name.
EPF.Yahoo.Employees Number of full time employees.
EPF.Yahoo.BusinessSummary Business Summary/Description.
EPF.Yahoo.QuoteType Quote type, for example "EQUITY" or "MUTUALFUND".

Key Executives

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas Key Executives

All these formulas require a stock ticker and index (execpt for the EPF.Yahoo.CompanyOfficers formula), for example: =EPF.Yahoo.CompanyOfficer.Name("AAPL",0)

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.CompanyOfficers Returns a dynamic array of
all company officers.
EPF.Yahoo.CompanyOfficer.Count Number of company officers.
EPF.Yahoo.CompanyOfficer.Title Company officer title.
EPF.Yahoo.CompanyOfficer.Name Company officer name.
EPF.Yahoo.CompanyOfficer.Age Company officer age.
EPF.Yahoo.CompanyOfficer.YearBorn Company officer year born.
EPF.Yahoo.CompanyOfficer.Pay Company officer pay.
EPF.Yahoo.CompanyOfficer.ExercisedOptions Company officer exercsied
EPF.Yahoo.CompanyOfficer.UnexercisedOptions Company officer unexercised

Valuation Measures

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas: Valuation Measures

All these formulas require just a stock ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.MarketCap("NFLX")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.MarketCap Current market capitalisation.
EPF.Yahoo.EnterpriseValue Enterprise Value.
EPF.Yahoo.PERatio PE Ratio Trailing.
EPF.Yahoo.PERatioForward PE Ratio Forward.
EPF.Yahoo.PEGRatio Price/Earnings-to-Growth (PEG) Ratio.
EPF.Yahoo.PriceToSales Price/Sales TTM (Trailing Twelve Months).
EPF.Yahoo.PriceToBookRatio Price to Book Ratio.
EPF.Yahoo.EnterpriseToRevenue Enterprise Value/Revenue.
EPF.Yahoo.EnterpriseToEbitda Enterprise Value/EBITDA.

Financial Highlights

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas: Financial Highlights

All of these formulas require just a stock ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.ProfitMargin("GS")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.FiscalYearEnd.Last Last Fiscal Year End Date.
EPF.Yahoo.FiscalYearEnd.Next Next Fiscal Year End Date.
EPF.Yahoo.ProfitMargin Profit Margin.
EPF.Yahoo.OperatingMargin Operating Margin TTM (Trailing Twelve Months).
EPF.Yahoo.ReturnOnAssets Return on Assets TTM (Trailing Twelve Months)
EPF.Yahoo.ReturnOnEquity Return On Equity.
EPF.Yahoo.RevenuePerShare Revenue Per Share TTM (Trailing Twelve Months).
EPF.Yahoo.RevenueGrowth Quarterly Revenue Growth (Year on Year).
(Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation
& amortization).
EPF.Yahoo.NetIncomeToCommon Net Income To Common.
EPF.Yahoo.EPS Diluted EPS TTM (Trailing Twelve Months).
EPF.Yahoo.EarningsGrowthQuartely Quarterly Earnings Growth (Year on Year).
EPF.Yahoo.TotalCash Total Cash (Most Recent Quarter).
EPF.Yahoo.TotalCashPerShare Total Cash Per Share (Most Recent Quarter).
EPF.Yahoo.TotalDebt Total Debt (Most Recent Quarter).
EPF.Yahoo.DebtToEquity Total Debt/Equity.
EPF.Yahoo.CurrentRatio Current Ratio (Most Recent Quarter).
EPF.Yahoo.BookValue Book Value Per Share (Most Recent Quarter).
EPF.Yahoo.OperatingCashFlow Operating Cash Flow (Trailing Twelve Months).
EPF.Yahoo.LeveredFreeCashFlow Levered Free Cash Flow (Trailing Twelve Months).
EPF.Yahoo.AveragePrice200Day Average price over the past 200 trading days.
EPF.Yahoo.AveragePrice50Day Average price over the past 50 trading days.

Stock Price History

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas: Stock Price History

All these formulas require just a stock ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.Beta("AMZN")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.Beta Beta (5Y Monthly).
EPF.Yahoo.52WeekChange 52 Week Change in price (%).
EPF.Yahoo.52WeekHigh 52 week high.
EPF.Yahoo.52WeekLow 52 week low.
EPF.Yahoo.50DayMovingAverage 50-Day Moving Average.
EPF.Yahoo.200DayMovingAverage 200-Day Moving Average.

Share Statistics

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas: Share Statistics

All these formulas require just a stock ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.SharesShort("MSFT")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.AverageDailyVolume3Month Average daily volume over past 3 months.
EPF.Yahoo.AverageDailyVolume10Day Average daily volume over past 10 trading days.
EPF.Yahoo.SharesOutstanding Number of shares outstanding.
EPF.Yahoo.FloatingShares Number of floating shares.
EPF.Yahoo.HeldInsidersPercent % of shares held by insiders.
EPF.Yahoo.HeldInstitutionsPercent % of shares held by institutions.
EPF.Yahoo.SharesShort Number of short shares.
EPF.Yahoo.ShortRatio Short shares ratio.
EPF.Yahoo.ShortPercentFloat Short shares as a % of float.
EPF.Yahoo.ShortPercentOutstanding Short shares as a % of shares outstanding.
EPF.Yahoo.SharesShortPriorMonth Short shares (prior month).

Dividends & Splits

Yahoo Finance Excel Formulas: Dividends & Splits

All these formulas require just a stock ticker, for example: =EPF.Yahoo.ForwardAnnualDividendRate("XOM")

Formula Description
EPF.Yahoo.ForwardAnnualDividendRate Forward annual dividend rate.
EPF.Yahoo.ForwardAnnualDividendYield Forward annual dividend yield.
EPF.Yahoo.TrailingAnnualDividendRate Trailing annual dividend rate.
EPF.Yahoo.TrailingAnnualDividendYield Trailing annual dividend yield.
EPF.Yahoo.5YearAverageDividendYield 5 Year average dividend yield.
EPF.Yahoo.PayoutRatio Payout Ratio.